At Tullygally Primary School we use Seesaw as a vital communication link for all the families and pupils of our school community.
Please download the Seesaw app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The app is beneficial for all parents, guardians and grandparents, childminders etc. who need to keep up to date with school news.
Once downloaded you will receive:
- alerts and notifications
- updates on event information
- links to the school website
- access to school documents and letters
- access to homework and your child’s work they have completed on Seesaw
What can students and family members do in Seesaw?
Students add posts to their journals. Student posts showcase the creative projects they’ve been working on in the classroom. This could include photos, artwork, videos, activities, notes, projects they’ve created in other apps, and more!
Families getnotified when there are new posts in their student’s journal. They can view posts and add likes and comments. Connected family members can only see their own child’s learning.
Create a new Seesaw Family account
- Download the Seesaw app to your mobile device, or go to on a computer.
- Tap I’m a Family Member.
- Tap Create Family Account.
- Finish creating your account using your email address, Google, or Microsoft account.
Connect to your child’s journal
Once your account is created, it’s time to connect to your child’s journal. Look for an invitation from your child’s teacher - this will be a paper invite with a QR Code on it.
- Open Seesaw.
- Tap I’m a Family Member and sign in.
- Tap your profile icon in the upper left corner.
- Tap Add Child’s Journal.
- Tap Scan QR code.
- Hold up the QR code to your camera.
- Make sure you’re connecting to your child.
- Tap Confirm.
- You are now connected to your child’s journal!