Welcome to Primary 2!
Miss Guiney, Mrs Dynes & Mrs McAlinden
Overview of topics this year:
September- October Helping Hands
November- December Twinkl Twinkle
January- February Sticks and Bricks
March- April Let’s Get Growing
May- June The Lighthouse Keeper Stories
During these months our topic will be ‘Helping Hands’. We will explore the different parts of our bodies and how we can look after them. We will look at our emergency services and how they help us. Our main story will be ‘At the Hospital’and this will allow us to develop our understanding of the staff and areas within the hospital and how they help us.
Our bodies..
Keep revising over the following areas during September- October!
Spellings & Phonics
1st 50 High Frequency words
Stage 1-2 Linguistic Phonics
Mental Maths
– count forwards/ backwards within 20 in 1’s then in 2’s
– mentally add 1/2 to any number within 20
– mentally subtract 1/2 from any number within 20
– know the number ‘between’, ‘after’ and ‘before’ within 20
During November and December our topic will be ‘Twinkle Twinkle’. We will be learning about day and night and focusing in on nocturnal animals such as owls. Owl Babies will be our focus book for this topic. We will also be developing our knowledge about reindeers and the Artic.